PCL to PDF conversion on CentOS 5.5

yum -y install libXt-devel libXext libXext-devel gcc
cd /usr/src
wget http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/ghostpdl/ghostpdl-8.71.tar.bz2 http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/AFPL/GhostPCL/urwfonts-8.71.tar.bz2
for i in ghostpdl* urwfonts* ; do otar jxvf $i;done
mkdir -p /usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts
mv urwfonts-8.7.1/*.ttf /usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts
cd ghostpdl-8.71
sed -i "s|/windows/fonts/;/win95/fonts/;/winnt/fonts/|/usr/share/ghostpdl/fonts|g" pl/pjparse.c

It's all pretty much the default stuff, except for the required libs and the fonts. If you don't have the -devel packages, you get weird errors while compiling that don't show exactly what is missing.

To generate A4 output, add @PJL SET PAPER=A4 to the pcl input file.

© GeekLabInfo PCL to PDF conversion on CentOS 5.5 is a post from GeekLab.info. You are free to copy materials from GeekLab.info, but you are required to link back to http://www.geeklab.info

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3 comments on “PCL to PDF conversion on CentOS 5.5”

  1. David,

    Hello, my name is Cristian Guerrero Rojas. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I write to you for one purpose: to say thank you for this page. It is such a useful page that it helped me a lot for my job.

    I'm very grateful. Thanks a lot. And congratulations, because it was easy to folow the steps you wrote.

    Thanks again,


  2. Hi Christian,
    Thanks for your message. I'm glad my post was useful to you! :-)


  3. This was just wonderful. I was trying to compile this on Ubuntu 10.10 and was having problems. I found this and was able to hack it a bit and get everything working.

    You saved me a LOT of time trying to track down header files!

    Have you considered telling Artifex about this?

    Again -- you've saved me a lot of time and frustration -- THANK YOU.


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