Personally, I'm a big fan of WordPress. Although it can be bloated sometimes, it uses smart programming techniques and high quality libraries. (Unlike some of the plugins.)
Today, I sorted out how to use the Localization (l10n) libraries of WordPress in another project. And it was a lot simpler than I could have hoped for.
Step 1: Copy some files
From the WordPress distribution, we're gonna need /wp-includes/l10n.php and the directory /wp-includes/pomo/*.php. Copy l10n and the whole directory pomo to your own includes directory.
Step 2: Compatibility
WordPress extensively uses apply_filters and do_action for filtering data and triggering events. We're not gonna use those now, but unless we want to rewrite half of l10n.php, we better make something for compatibility. I entered these simple statements in a new file named wordpress-compat.php:
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