Backup your phone with zero keypresses

I created some scripts to backup my Samsung Galaxy S2 to my Fedora 16 system without pressing any keys or even touching the mouse. It works like this:

To backup a SGS2, you go to settings > applications > usb tools on the phone, and click the button. You then connect it to a usb cable. At that moment, two removable devices become visible to the Linux system: one for the SD card, one for the built-in memory. But they still contain no media. Only when you press another button on the phone, the "media are inserted in the devices", triggering a "change" action with the udev daemon.

Configuration of the udev daemon

Create a file /etc/udev/rules.d/71-android-backup.rules:

SUBSYSTEM=="block", ACTION=="change", ENV{ID_SERIAL}=="Android_UMS_Composite_XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-0:0", ENV{DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE}=="1", ENV{ID_FS_TYPE}=="vfat", RUN+="/usr/local/bin/androidbackup"

Whenever a (virtual) medium is inserted, a udev change action is triggered. Actually, it gets triggered multiple times, but we only need the one that has the environment variable DISK_MEDIA_CHANGE=1 set.

Action to perform

The action triggered is /usr/local/bin/androidbackup and all parameters are in the environment. So let's create that file. I use a rsnapshot-like operation to backup my data, but without actually using rsnapshot.

function msg {
        /usr/bin/logger -t android "$1"
        DISPLAY=:0 qdbus $dbusRef setLabelText "$1"
        DISPLAY=:0 qdbus $dbusRef Set "" value $2
if [ "$1" != "FORKED" ]; then
        $0 FORKED &
        exit 0
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/androidbackup ]; then
        . /etc/sysconfig/androidbackup
        echo /etc/sysconfig/androidbackup does not exist
        exit 0
#debug disabled:
#set > /tmp/android/`date +%s`.$RANDOM
dbusRef=`kdialog --display :0 --progressbar "Backup android..." 100`
if [ ! -e $DESTINATION ]; then
        # I could mkdir -p, but sometimes $DESTINATION could just be a network location that's offline
        msg "Android will not be backed up: $DESTINATION is not okay" 0
        exit 0
mkdir -p /mnt/android
mount $DEVNAME /mnt/android 
if [ $rc -ne 0 ]; then
        msg "Problem mounting $DEVNAME to /mnt/android: $rc " 0
        mount | grep android 2>&1 | logger -t androidbackup
        exit 0
if [ "`mount |grep -i /mnt/android`" == "" ]; then
        msg "Cannot find /mnt/android in mount table" 0
        exit 0
msg "Remove old backup" 8
[ -e $DESTINATION/backup.30 ] && rm -rf $DESTINATION/backup.30
msg "Start backup" 10
for i in `/usr/bin/seq 30 -1 2`; do 
        if [ -e $DESTINATION/backup.$((i-1)) ]; then
                msg "mv $DESTINATION/backup.$((i-1)) $DESTINATION/backup.$i" 11
                mv $DESTINATION/backup.$((i-1)) $DESTINATION/backup.$i
msg "Copy" 40
[ -e $DESTINATION/backup.0 ] && /bin/cp -al $DESTINATION/backup.0 $DESTINATION/backup.1
mkdir -p $DESTINATION/backup.0/
msg "Start rsync" 40
/usr/bin/rsync -az --numeric-ids --delete --hard-links /mnt/android/ $DESTINATION/backup.0/
touch $DESTINATION/backup.0/
chown -R $CHOWN $DESTINATION/backup.0
umount /mnt/android
msg "Done" 100
exit 0

Since that file refers to /etc/sysconfig/androidbackup, let's also make that file:

#next line defines the location of all backups
#next line defines the owner of all files copied
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Change VMWare Data Recovery 2.0 report mail

As I may have mentioned before VMWare Data Recovery is not my favorite backup solution. I'm pleased to report that VDR2.0 is a LOT better than 1.x ever was. Since upgrading, my backups haven't failed once. And it even has a built-in email reporting system.

Unfortunately, this mail system isn't too customizable. Since I'd like my subjects to be clear they need extra attention, I made a little fix. This script is started by socat.

Install socat

Socat handles incoming connections on port 25 for me.
rpm -i

Get my script

cd /usr/local/bin ; wget
You should put your own mailserver in the script on line 7.

Start it automatically

echo "socat TCP4-LISTEN:25,fork EXEC:/usr/local/bin/ &" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local

Now change your settings

Change the outgoing mailserver to localhost and test it. If everything's ok, you'll get a mail with 1 warning and 2 error-message, as the test-mail doesn't contain the fields that indicate no backups failed.


The iptables firewall does not allow incoming connections to port 25, so you will not become an open relay using this script.

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Run a batch file invisibly

Save this one line of text as c:\windows\quiet.vbs
CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False
To run a batch file invisibly, start it using the following command:
wscript.exe "C:\windows\quiet.vbs" "C:\path\file.bat"

© GeekLabInfo Run a batch file invisibly is a post from You are free to copy materials from, but you are required to link back to

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Windows update: Install at night

In order to keep my users from getting windows update messages, I try to install any client updates at night. I have a few tricks to make this possible:

1: Boot up at night

Most computers can boot up automatically at night, using Wake-On-LAN. If your computer or its NIC does not support WOL, you can use the bios' power management to boot at night.

Don't start all computers at the exact same time, as this will result in a power peak - better spread it, like 5 computers per minute.

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Schedule Windows server to reboot or shutdown

Yesterday, I installed an update on a Windows server that could not be rebooted during the day. To apply the update, I scheduled a reboot of the server in the evening.

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